Assessment is intended to support the learner’s growth and shape learning. It is designed to give students a wide variety of opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and to develop their knowledge, curriculum skills and lifelong competencies.
The student's portfolio will have a variety of artifacts of learning.

What do we mean by Formative Assessments?
They play a fundamental role in the process of learning.
Students use formative assessments to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills by getting feedback, self-assess, reflect and define strategies for further improvements.

Formative assessments constitute important milestones that inform the educator on where the learner is so that they can give students feedback and plan the next moves.
They are generally quick and simple ways to get a clear indication of what students know or are able to do and understand at a certain time. However, for formative assessments to be effective, educators need to create opportunities and allow time for reflection, self-assessment and feedback.

How do we assess students?
In the IComprehensive approach, educators use Learning Outcomes - or standards- to focus on essential learning and competencies. Schools are offered the possibility to keep their current grading policy as it is or to integrate the IComprehensive assessment system by which educators determine how students meet every learning Outcome:

Learning Outcomes
IC Learning Standards are concise, clear and student-centred criteria based on strategic competencies which mirror the different development stages of students as they pursue their growth over time. At every stage of their development, students strengthen their competencies and acquire new ones at their own pace. This process, which does not take place in the same way for every learner, continues during their adult life.
Learning Standards are measurable.
They describe what students are expected to know, understand, be and do as a result of a learning experience. They can be easily aligned with local curricula and are mostly used by educators to:
- Plan learning experiences and assessment opportunities
- Monitor student progress throughout the learning process and make adjustments if necessary.

A COMPETENCY-DRIVEN APPROACH organized around fOUR main categories
The learning process does not start or end in a predetermined place and time. Through powerful learning experiences and regular, authentic reflection, students will activate and develop a set of useful competencies. The term competency embodies skills, knowledge and personal attributes. These competencies empower students to grow as active, adaptable, socially aware and self-motivated learners all along their life both personally and professionally so that they can contribute to the rapidly evolving world in a meaningful and purposeful way.
- COMMUNICATION AND CREATIVITY COMPETENCY: Communicating, Collaborating and Mastering Multiple Literacies. This competency helps us confidently share our projects, ideas, questions and understandings in many different ways and contexts. Communication is organically linked to collaboration and can therefore positively impact our social and emotional well-being and contribute to building more genuine and trusting relationships
- PERSONAL AND SOCIAL COMPETENCY: Personal Awareness, Cultural Identity and Social Awareness. These are the set of abilities that relate to how a student identifies and connects in the world. This competency encompasses a wide spectrum of what students need to thrive both individually and as contributing members of their community, to understand themselves and how they relate to others.
- THINKING AND INQUIRY COMPETENCY: Thinking, Questioning, Wondering, Exploring, Researching, Reflecting and Documenting. There are many different thinking skills that one can use depending on the learning experience. It is important to acknowledge that thinking is complex and multidimensional. Students need to be able to identify, understand and have an opportunity to use thoughtful approaches in various situations, be inquisitive and ask questions.
- SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES: Knowing relevant content, Conceptual Understanding, and area-specific competencies. Some competencies are closely tied to a specific area of learning like Mathematics or Science and will be developed through learning experiences that are connected to these areas.