We are at a pivotal moment in history.
Not only is the world rapidly changing, but it has also become more complex, interconnected and unpredictable.
New opportunities to transform and improve current models have emerged so that we can prepare students to thrive in any future scenario.
"Education can equip learners with agency and a sense of purpose, and the competencies they need, to shape their own lives and contribute to the lives of others"
The future of Education, OECD
According to the Canadian author and former principal George Couros, "The biggest “game-changer” in education is not a thing; it is an open mindset to all of the learning opportunities that come our way."
That's why we created a worldwide inquiry-based, competency-driven and technology-wise program whose goal is to build a transformative culture of learning that empowers learners to thrive in all aspects of their life.
Shaping a positive, inspiring, engaging, inclusive and supportive culture of learning is essential. Without it, any curriculum becomes either irrelevant or misused. When schools create such a powerful culture, learning becomes fluid, authentic, meaningful, creative, personalized and collaborative.
Explore the key principles of the International Comprehensive Culture of Learning
A program that equips students for life
The central focus is the lifelong growth of every learner to pursue their aspiration accomplished through inquiry learning, and purposeful use of technology within a culture defined by six overarching forces of environment, languages, time, relationships and external factors.
"We are the authors of our lives".
Brené Brown, Manifesto of the Brave and Brokenhearted
The learning process does not start or end in a predetermined place and time. Through powerful learning experiences and regular reflections, students will activate and develop a set of useful competencies. The term competency embodies skills, knowledge and personal attributes. Skills can be directly taught and are usually specific to a task. For example, being able to edit a video is a technical skill. According to the Cambridge dictionary, Knowledge relates to the understanding of or information about a subject that you get by experience or study. Finally, personal attributes or dispositions refer to the habits of mind or character traits of a person. Competency is a broad term that can be defined as the ability to use a combination of knowledge, skills and personal attributes in various situations. ​
The Learner Profile outlines the attributes that are fostered by the IC program every day.
Adopting these attributes leads to personal growth and a more well-rounded and fulfilled life. Learners are empowered to contribute to the lives of others and make the world a better place.
The Learner Profile is integrated into unit planners and student portfolios, and actively promoted and valued in all learning experiences.